1. Dedication: Anthony H. D. Brown Conservation
Geneticist (Reid G. Palmer and Jeff J. Doyle).
I. Biographical Sketch.
II. Research Accomplishme...
1. Dedication: Anthony H. D. Brown Conservation
Geneticist (Reid G. Palmer and Jeff J. Doyle).
I. Biographical Sketch.
II. Research Accomplishments.
III. The Man.
IV. Honors and Awards.
Selected Publications of Anthony H. D. Brown.
2. Brassica and Its Close Allies: Cytogenetics
and Evolution (Shyam Prakash, S. R. Bhat, C. F. Quiros,
P. B. Kirti, and V. L. Chopra).
I. Introduction.
II. Cytogenetics.
III. Genome Manipulation.
IV. Wide Hybridization.
V. Cytoplasmic Substitution and Male Sterility.
VI. Genome Dissection and Development of Chromosome Addition
VII. Mitochondrial Genome.
VIII. Plastid Genome.
IX. Potential Role of Arabidopsis thaliana in Brassica
X. Chloroplast Genomes and their Phylogenetic Implications.
XI. Evolution of Morphological Characters.
XII. Concluding Remarks.
Literature Cited.
3. Genetic Enhancement for Drought Tolerance in
Sorghum (Belum V. S. Reddy, S. Ramesh, P. Sanjana
Reddy, and A. Ashok Kumar).
I. Introduction.
II. Breeding for Drought Tolerance.
III. Selection among Cultivars and Landraces.
IV. Breeding for Drought Escape.
V. Growth Stage-Specific Screening Techniques.
VI. Physiological Response Traits for Drought Tolerance.
VII. Marker-Assisted Breeding for Drought Tolerance.
VIII. Outlook.
Literature Cited.
4. Breeding for Resistance to Stenocarpella Ear
Rot in Maize (Johannes D. Rossouw, Z. A. Pretorius, H.
D. Silva, and K. R. Lamkey).
I. Introduction.
II. Distribution and Importance.
III. Pathogen.
IV. Epidemiology.
V. Disease Management.
VI. Summary and Conclusion.
Literature Cited.
5. Cassava Genetic Resources: Manipulation for Crop
Improvement (Nagib M. A. Nassar and Rodomiro
I. Introduction.
II. Wild Manihot Species: A Botanical Review.
III. Interspecific Hybrids.
IV. Cassava Diversity as Revealed by DNA Markers and
V. Trait Transfer.
VI. Outlook.
Literature Cited.
6. Breeding Roses for Disease Resistance (Vance
M. Whitaker and Stan C. Hokanson).
I. Introduction.
II. Causal Pathogens.
III. Resistance Screening.
IV. Breeding.
V. Molecular Tools.
VI. Future Prospects.
Literature Cited.
7. Plant Breeding for Human Nutritional
Quality (Philipp W. Simon, Linda M. Pollak, Beverly A.
Clevidence, Joannne M. Holden, and David B. Haytowitz).
I. Introduction.
II. Sources of Nutrients.
III. Progress in Breeding for Nutrient Content and
IV. Plant Breeding Strategies for Increasing Intake of Shortfall
Literature Cited.
Subject Index.
Cumulative Subject Index.
Cumulative Contributor Index.