Autor: Juliet Summers

Juliet Summers lives on twenty acres of bush adjoining a forest two hours from Melbourne, Australia, in a mudbrick house that her husband designed and that they built together. She is surrounded by nosy wombats, clowning rosellas, bossy kangaroos, curious wallabies and busy echidnas. Every day in the forest brings new wonder. A few weeks ago they had snow, but today the Spring orchids are flowering. The skies are full of bird song, and everywhere are babies. The air is crisp and clean, and at night, the stars pepper the sky and everything is still.

1 Ebooks von Juliet Summers

Juliet Summers: Four Years with Jhunti
Just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean it’s impossible  Young Kal runs away from home to find himself at the mercy of the Jhunti, a reclusive tribe living in the mountains of Australia. The Jhunti …