Academician Artem Sarkisyan is currently acting professor at the Moscow State University. He is a pioneer scientist in numerical modeling of ocean circulation, with more than half a century of experience in the field. He is the author and co-author of more than 230 papers and 12 books, published in Russian, English and Chinese, and has been guest lecturer at the universities of Hamburg and Delhi. He has been involved in numerous international programs including WOCE, POLYMODE, TOGA and IAPSO, of which he has been vice-president.
Jürgen Sündermann is Professor Emeritus in Physical Oceanography of the University of Hamburg, Germany. He has been the director of the Centre of Marine and Climate Research in Hamburg for 12 years. He has also been vice-president of IAPSO, and is a coordinator and reviewer of EU research projects. Prof. Sündermann is guest professor and scientist at academic institutions in Honolulu, USA; Novosibirsk, Russia; Pune, India; Ispra, Italy; and Qingdao in China. He is a Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a member of AGU and AMS. He has published 10 books and more than 100 papers in scientific journals.
7 Ebooks von Jurgen Sundermann
Artem S. Sarkisyan & Jürgen Sündermann: Modelling Ocean Climate Variability
In this wide-ranging and comprehensive review of the historical development and current status of ocean circulation models, the analysis extends from simple analytical approaches to the latest high-r …
K.-P. Holz & Jurgen Sundermann: Mathematical Modelling of Estuarine Physics
P. Brosche & Jurgen Sundermann: Tidal Friction and the Earth’s Rotation
P.Brosche The development of the ideas and observational techniques related to the subject of our meeting "Tidal friction and the Earth’s rotation", Bielefeld, September 1977 is one of the …
P. Brosche & Jurgen Sundermann: Tidal Friction and the Earth’s Rotation II
In the four years which elapsed between our first workshop on .Tidal Friction and the Earth’s Rotation and the second, the proceedings of which are presented here, many of the disciplines involved ma …
W. Lenz & Jurgen Sundermann: North Sea Dynamics
This volume contains the proceedings of the International Sym- posium on North Sea Dynamics which was held in Hamburg, August 31 – September 4, 1981. More than 150 participants from 10 coun- tries we …
Peter Brosche & Jurgen Sundermann: Earth’s Rotation from Eons to Days
Earth’s Rotation from Eons to Days reviews long-term changes, methods of measurement, and the major influences on rotation parameters. In order to understand secular changes, the momentary behavior o …
Jurgen Sundermann: Circulation and Contaminant Fluxes in the North Sea
In this publication you will find a comprehensive data set of the North Sea ecosystem, including the distribution and the fate of contaminants, their transport paths and their analysis by means of nu …