This book challenges the separation between CSR and law. It also demonstrates that BRHR may be gradually separating from CSR through emphasis on state obligations. Authors from around the world discuss how businesses engage in CSR and human rights, and how governments and intergovernmental organisations may support business in taking responsibility
Introduction; K.Buhmann, L.Roseberry & M.Morsing PART I: SETTING THE STAGE Conceptualizing the Home State Duty to Protect Human Rights; S.Seck ‚A necessary supplement‘ – What the United Nations Global Compact Is and Is Not; A.Rasche Balancing Power Interests in Reflexive Law Public-private CSR-schemes: The Global Compact and the EU’s Multi-Stakeholder Forum on CSR; K.Buhmann ‚Protect, Respect and Remedy‘: A Critique of the SRSG’s Framework for Business and Human Rights; S.Deva PART II: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa: A Fig Leaf or a New Development Path Worth Pursuing?; W.Kimathi It’s our Business: Ensuring Inclusiveness in the Process of Regulating and Enforcing Corporate Social Responsibility; C.Sidoti Public Procurement, International Labour Law and Free Movement in EU Law: Respect, Protect and Remedy; R.Nielsen Business Responsibilities and Human Rights in Latin America: Lessons and Inspiration for the Future; C.Anicama PART III: COMBINING LAW AND MANAGEMENT Business Commitments in CSR Codes of Conduct and International Framework Agreements: the Case of Human Rights; D.Bé Regulating the Levers of Globalization: Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility into the Capital-Raising Process; L.Caplan Institutionalisation of Corporate Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Programs in Firms; J.D.Rendtorff The Organization of CSR as a Means of Corporate Control: From Do-Gooding Sideshow to Mainstream; J. S. Knudsen
Über den Autor
KARIN BUHMANN (Ph.d. at the University of Aarhus, Department of Law (2001); Master of International Law at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund/Sweden; degrees in Law and East Asian Studies from the University of Copenhagen) is an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen. She has published extensively on CSR and on human rights.
LYNN ROSEBERRY (Ph.d. at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), 1999) is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Law at CBS. Roseberry has contributed to international anthologies and in Danish publications on national and international anti-discrimination and labour law issues.
METTE MORSING (Ph.d. at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), 1993) is Professor and Director of CBS Center for Corporate Social Responsibility (cbs CSR) at CBS. Morsing has published extensively in books and international journals on issues of CSR, ethics, organization, identity and communication. Morsing is a member of a number of national and international committees and boards on issues of CSR.