Borrowing its title from renowned scholar Alexander Leggatt“s landmark 1974 study, Shakespeare“s Comedies of Love is a tribute to a critic who has shaped the way the world understands Shakespeare and his comedies. To help celebrate his distinguished career as a teacher and scholar, this collection of essays presents a wide range of new work on the Bard“s comedies.
The contributors cover diverse areas of inquiry, including the use of the comedies as a source of women“s empowerment in nineteenth-century America; civic drama in Elizabethan London; male anxiety about women in the comedies; anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice; as well as some key productions of Shakespeare“s comedies.
Rich in detail and broad in scope, Shakespeare“s Comedies of Love is a celebration of Leggatt“s distinguished career, and an enduring collection of work on the world“s most famous writer.