This series of guidebooks draws on the practical knowledge that the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) has generated, since its inception in 1970, through its research and educationalactivity conducted in partnership with hundreds of thousands ofmanagers and executives. Much of this knowledge is shared-in a waythat is distinct from the typical university department, professional association, or consultancy. CCL is not simply acollection of individual experts, although the individualcredentials of its staff are impressive; rather it is a community, with its members holding certain principles in common and workingtogether to understand and generate practical responses to today“sleadership and organizational challenges.The purpose of the series is to provide managers with specificadvice on how to complete a developmental task or solve aleadership challenge. In doing that, the series carries out CCL“smission to advance the understanding, practice, and development ofleadership for the benefit of society worldwide.Karen Kirkland is feedback and coaching manager at CCL“s San Diego campus. She has had many years“experience as a feedback specialist and has held numerous academicpositions. Kirkland cofounded a large psychology practicecorporation, the Colorado Center for Psychology, P.C., and haspublished extensively in psychology research. She holds a Ph.D. inclinical psychology from the University of Missouri.Sam Manoogian is a private consultant who specializes inexecutive coaching on leadership development issues. He is also anadjunct with CCL. Formerly, Manoogian was chief assessor forfeedback specialists at all of CCL“s campuses. In that role, he monitored and managed the feedback process for all of CCL“s leadership development programs. Manoogian alsodirected the Awareness Program for Executive Excellence (APEX), anintensive development experience for senior-level managers. Heholds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from St. Louis University.
4 Ebooks von Karen Kirkland
Karen Kirkland & Sam Manoogian: Ongoing Feedback
If you are a manager who has just completed a leadership development experience, such as attending a program or receiving feedback from a 360-degree instrument, or have just experienced a career tran …
Karen Kirkland & Sam Manoogian: Ongoing Feedback
If you are a manager who has just completed a leadership development experience, such as attending a program or receiving feedback from a 360-degree instrument, or have just experienced a career tran …
Karen Kirkland & Sam Manoogian: Ongoing Feedback: How To Get It, How To Use It
Do you want feedback that will really do you some good? Consider the source. Think about who to ask, when to ask, and how to ask. But don’t stop there. Learn to evaluate the content of the feedback y …
E. Wayne Hart & Karen Kirkland: Using Your Executive Coach
If you are a manager or executive who is beginning a coaching engagement or who is considering a developmental plan that calls for an executive coach, you need more than a desire to improve your lead …