Autor: Karen Nemeth

Kelly Ramsey began her work with children and families as an early childhood teacher in 1984. For more than 20 years, she has had the opportunity to work with children and families as a classroom teacher, center director, family educator, mentor coach, and college instructor. As a lifelong learner, Kelly believes that self-discovery and personal reflection are key to creating rich learning environments for adults and children. She has a strong interest in families and their strength in nurturing children’s development. As a passionate teacher, focused visionary, and a purpose-driven leader, she fosters engaging learning environments that help individuals to grow. As a family educator, she believes in engaging families and educators to develop intentional interactions between school and home. Kelly is a storyteller who shares her experiences as a preschool teacher, center director, and mother of two amazing young children. She fosters a welcoming environment for all types of learners, embracing the experiences of each individual and challenging learners by creating rich experiences and dialogues that connect theory to practice.

6 Ebooks von Karen Nemeth

Karen Nemeth: Many Languages, Building Connections
All infants and toddlers need experiences that nurture, support, and teach their home language and culture. Language is a vital component of early experiences well before the child can say his first …
Karen Nemeth: Many Languages, One Classroom
In classrooms across the country, teachers are encountering more children who are learning English, come from diverse backgrounds, and who speak a variety of languages. As challenging as this may be, …
Derry Koralek & Karen Nemeth: Families and Educators Together
Home–school relationships have always been a cornerstone of children’s success and well-being.   But cultivating positive, supportive partnerships between educators and families is an ongoing pr …
Karen Nemeth & Fran Simon: Digital Decisions
Feel confident and competent when it comes to choosing and implementing the most appropriate technology tools for your early childhood classroom! Whether you are a technology enthusiast looking for n …
Pamela (William Paterson University, USA) Brillante & Karen (Language Castle, USA) Nemeth: Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom
Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom, Second Edition focuses on proactively designing Pre K through Grade 3 classroom instruction, environments, and assessments that are fle …
Pamela (William Paterson University, USA) Brillante & Karen (Language Castle, USA) Nemeth: Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom
Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom, Second Edition focuses on proactively designing Pre K through Grade 3 classroom instruction, environments, and assessments that are fle …