David Jewitt is professor at the University of Hawaii and joint discoverer (with Jane Luu) of the first trans-Neptunian object, 1992 QB1.
Alessandro Morbidelli is researcher at Nice Observatory and winner of the Urey Prize of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society in 2000.
Heike Rauer is professor at the Free University of Berlin and staff scientist at the DLR institute for Planetary Research. She is joint discoverer of the sodium tail of comet Hale-Bopp.
2 Ebooks von Kathrin Altwegg
Hans Balsiger & Kathrin Altwegg: Origin and Early Evolution of Comet Nuclei
Comet nuclei are the most primitive bodies in the solar system. They have been created far away from the early Sun and it is supposed that their material has been altered the least since their format …