Katia Fach Gómez, Introduction.- Paolo Vargiu, Stakeholders of Investment Arbitration: establishing a dialogue among arbitrators, states, investors, academics and...
Katia Fach Gómez, Introduction.- Paolo Vargiu, Stakeholders of Investment Arbitration: establishing a dialogue among arbitrators, states, investors, academics and other actors in international investment law.- Elie Kleiman, Charles T. Kotuby Jr. and Iris Sauvagnac, Investment arbitration counsel’s role in the progressive development of international law.- Sébastien Manciaux, Some thoughts on the Independence of Party-Appointed Expert in International Arbitration.- Carlo de Stefano, The Nationality of Natural and Juridical Persons in International Investment Law.- María Beatriz Burghetto, Risk assessment and third-party funding in investment arbitration.- José Ángel Rueda-García, Third-party funding and access to justice in investment arbitration: security for costs as a provisional measure or a standalone procedural category in the newest developments in international investment law.- Richard E. Walck, A Quantum Expert’s Perspective on Third-Party Funding.- Ina C. Popova & Katherine R. Seifert, Gatekeeping, lawmaking, and rulemaking: lessons from third-party funding in investment arbitration.- Karsten Nowrot and Emily Sipiorski, Towards a Republicanisation of International Investment Law?: Conceptualising the Legitimatory Value of Public Participation in the Negotiation and Enforcement of International Investment Agreements.- Alvaro Galindo and Ahmed Elsisi, Non-Disputing Parties’ Rights in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: The Application of the Monetary Gold Principle.- Alina Papanastasiou, Media Wars: Transparency and Aggravation in International Investment Arbitration.- Niccolò Ridi and Thomas Schultz, Empirically Mapping Investment Arbitration Scholarship: Networks, Authorities, and the Research Front.