This book details a three-year, multi-stranded study of teacher education programs that prepare future teachers to work with multilingual learners. The book examines how racism and linguicism collaborate to shape the conditions under which teacher candidates learn how to teach. The analysis traces dynamic shifts in thinking and practice as participants reflected on their personal, professional and academic experiences in relation to formal curriculum and assessment policies to interpret what it means to work with multilingual learners in the classroom. The book offers guiding principles – above all, learning from multilingual learners, not only about them – and presents a suite of teacher-education practices to disrupt the interplay of language and race that so deeply shapes teacher-candidate learning about multilingual learners.
Figures and Tables
About the Authors
Chapter 1. Jeff Bale and Antoinette Gagné: Contradictions of Stability and Change
Chapter 2. Jeff Bale, Shakina Rajendram, Mama Adobea Nii Owoo, Katie Brubacher and Wales Wong: The Research Design and the People Behind it
Chapter 3. Jeff Bale: Framing the Study
Chapter 4. Shakina Rajendram, Mama Adobea Nii Owoo, Katie Brubacher, Wales Wong, Jennifer Burton and Jeff Bale: Who are Multilingual Learners in Ontario Imagined to Be?
Chapter 5. Shakina Rajendram, Mama Adobea Nii Owoo, Yiran Zhang, Julie Kerekes and Jeff Bale: Preparing Teacher Candidates to Support Multilingual Learners: Insights from the Field
Chapter 6. Jeff Bale, Katie Brubacher, Elizabeth Jean Larson and Yiran Zhang: STEPing into Deficit Thinking
Chapter 7. Jeff Bale, Shakina Rajendram, Katie Brubacher, Jennifer Burton and Wales Wong: (Un-)Learning Translanguaging Pedagogies
Chapter 8. Jeff Bale, Shakina Rajendram, Antoinette Gagné, Katie Brubacher, Wales Wong and Jennifer Burton: Practices and Principles of Change
Elizabeth Jean Larson: Appendix: Overview of the Pe CK-LIT Test and Additional Analyses
Über den Autor
Julie Kerekes is Associate Professor in Language and Literacies Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada. Her research interests include interlanguage pragmatics, language and power in intercultural institutional settings, and workplace communication.