While the natural resources of the earth continue to diminish, “Green Landscapes” arebeingcalleduponto produceanincreasingrangeofgoodsandservices.A Green Landscape is a rural expanse of scenery that may comprise a variety of visible f- tures. This book focuses on forested landscapes, although much of the theory and most of the practical applications are valid for any area of land. In many regions of the world, people depend on forests for their livelihood and well-being. Forests provide multiple services, – bene ts generated for society by the existence of c- tain forest ecosystems and their attributes. The value of these bene ts is often only recognised when they are lost after removal of the trees, resulting in ooding, loss of income and declining species diversity. Forests provide multiple services. However, the amount and quality, and the p- ticular mix of these services depend on the condition of the resource. Landscape design is a proven way to ensure that certain desired bene ts will be available in space and time. It provides the foundation and an essential starting point for s- tainable management. This volume, which forms part of Springer’s book series Managing Forest Ecosystems, presentsstate-of-the-artresearchresults, visionsandtheories, aswell as speci c methodsfor designing Green Landscapes, as a basis for sustainable ecos- tem management. The book contains a wealth of information which may be useful to companymanagement, the legal and policy environmentand forestry administ- tors. The volume is subdivided into four sections.
Adaptive Design of Forested Landscapes.- Assessing the Landscape.- Landscape Metrics, Scales of Resolution.- Detailed Assessment Using Remote Sensing Techniques.- Assessing Landscape Attributes.- Numerical Analysis of Landscape Design.- Spatial Optimisation – Computational Methods.- Integrating Multiple Services in the Numerical Analysis of Landscape Design.- Decentralized Forest Planning Models – a Cellular Automata Framework.- Coordinating Management Decisions of Neighboring Stands with Dynamic Programming.- Designing a Forested Landscape in Finland Under Different Climate Scenarios.- Computer Graphics and Visualization.- Visualization in the Design of Forested Landscapes.- Visualization in Support of Landscape Design.