Autor: L. Randall Wray

L. RANDALL WRAY is a professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA,  as well as Research Director, the Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, and Senior Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York. A student of Hyman P. Minsky while at Washington University in St. Louis, Wray has focused on monetary theory and policy, macroeconomics, financial instability, and employment policy. He has published widely in journals and is the author of Understanding Modern Money: The Key to Full Employment and Price Stability (Elgar, 1998) and Money and Credit in Capitalist Economies (Elgar 1990). He is the editor of Credit and State Theories of Money (Edward Elgar 2004) and the co-editor of Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis (Edward Elgar 2005), Money, Financial Instability and Stabilization Policy (Edward Elgar 2006), and Keynes for the twenty-first century: The Continuing Relevance of The General Theory, Palgrave, 2008. Wray is also the author of numerous scholarly articles in edited books and academic journals, including the Journal of Economic Issues, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Review of Political Economy, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Economic and Labour Relations Review, Economie Appliquée, and the Eastern Economic Journal. Wray received a B.A. from the University of the Pacific and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis. He has served as a visiting professor at the University of Rome, the University of Paris, and UNAM (Mexico City). He was the Bernardin-Haskell Professor, UMKC, Fall 1996, and joined the UMKC faculty as Professor of Economics, August 1999.

17 Ebooks von L. Randall Wray

L. Randall Wray: Modern Money Theory
In a challenge to conventional views on modern monetary and fiscal policy, this book presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how th …
L. Randall Wray: Modern Money Theory
This second edition explores how money ‚works‘ in the modern economy and synthesises the key principles of Modern Money Theory, exploring macro accounting, currency regimes and exchange rates in both …
Larry Randall Wray: Why Minsky Matters
Perhaps no economist was more vindicated by the global financial crisis than Hyman P. Minsky (1919–96). Although a handful of economists raised alarms as early as 2000, Minsky’s warnings began a half …
L. Randall Wray: Teoría Monetaria Moderna
El esfuerzo intelectual que se realizó en el campo de la física tras la aparición de la teoría de la relatividad o del modelo copernicano, no se llevó a cabo en la economía tras la aparición del dine …
L. Randall Wray: Modernes Geld verstehen
Können wir uns eine wirklich ›neue Wirtschaft‹ vorstellen, in der alle, die bereit, gewillt und fähig sind zu arbeiten, eine echte Chance bekommen, einen Beitrag zur Gesellschaft zu leisten? Mit der …
Eric Tymoigne & L. Randall Wray: Rise and Fall of Money Manager Capitalism
The book studies the trends that led to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, as well as the unfolding of the crisis, in order to provide policy recommendations to improve financial …
Eric Tymoigne & L. Randall Wray: Rise and Fall of Money Manager Capitalism
The book studies the trends that led to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, as well as the unfolding of the crisis, in order to provide policy recommendations to improve financial …
L. Randall Wray & Martin Watts: Macroeconomics
This groundbreaking new core textbook encourages students to take a more critical approach to the prevalent assumptions around the subject of macroeconomics, by comparing and contrasting heterodox an …
L. Randall Wray: Teoria della Moneta Moderna
Le conseguenze dell’abbandono del gold standard e dell’adozione di un modello di moneta fiat non sono state comprese. La verità è che i libri di testo di macroeconomia sarebbero dovuti essere riscrit …
L. Randall Wray: Modern Money Theory
Manche Ökonomen halten die Modern Money Theory (MMT) nicht nur für die Weiterentwicklung der Thesen von John Maynard Keynes, sondern auch für das richtige oder sogar einzige Rezept für erfolgreiche F …
L. Randall Wray: Making Money Work for Us
Is money precious and scarce, necessitating iron fiscal discipline? Must the government always balance the books or risk ruin? Or is money, in fact, a flexible tool that can be used to mobilize our c …
L. Randall Wray: Credit and State Theories of Money
In 1913 and 1914, A. Mitchell Innes published a pair of articles that stand as two of the best pieces written in the twentieth century on the nature of money. Only recently rediscovered, these articl …
Mathew Forstater & L. Randall Wray: Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis
Original articles by leading scholars of post Keynesian economics make up this authoritative collection. Current topics of the greatest interest are covered, such as: perspectives on current economic …
L. Randall Wray: Money for Beginners
Money is mysterious. We love it, we hate it, but few people can tell you what the heck it really is. Wouldn’t it be good to get out of the fog? This book will help you understand both the way money w …
L. Randall Wray: Dinero para principiantes
El dinero es un misterio. Lo amamos, lo odiamos, pero muy pocas personas pueden decirnos qué demonios es el dinero en realidad. ¿No sería estupendo aclarar esta cuestión? Este libro le ayudará a comp …
L. Randall Wray: Modern Money Theory
This book, a revised new edition, examines how money is created and how it functions within global exchange rate regimes to highlight how monetary policy can promote economic growth, full employment, …
L. Randall Wray & Martin Watts: Macroeconomics
This groundbreaking new core textbook encourages students to take a more critical approach to the prevalent assumptions around the subject of macroeconomics, by comparing and contrasting heterodox an …