True Identity is a novel about Terry Barnett, great-grandson to Tom and Doris Scroggins. As a veterinarian student, Terry was on a field trip to the Middle East, where he was forced in to the services of Al Kida. After returning to the States, Terry was faced with the seemingly impossible task of breaking the tie to Al Kida and staying alive.
Trying to blend into rural America by assuming several identities, the Scroggins descendent discovered more trouble and adventure than he ever dreamed possible. Terry found himself looking over his shoulder every day for fear that his true identity would be discovered. His attempt to survive took him to Kentucky, Kansas, Texas, and Colorado, but he learned that Al Kida was everywhere. This story will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering what will happen next.
As with all the Scroggins Series novels, this book displays integrity, and moral conviction passed down from generation to generation within the Scroggins family.