Grace is all and all is grace!
Grace is central to the Christian faith. For by grace you have been saved through faith (Eph. 2:8). Growing with the recognition and understanding of grace is key to the initiation, continuance, and maturity within the Christian spiritual journey.
Faith develops in conjunction with the understanding of the dynamic importance of what grace is, what grace does, and how grace is a reality of each day. God continually pours out his grace through various means. The question is not does grace exist, but rather, are we at a point of awareness to recognize the Lords grace?
Larry Gilbert presents a Devotional for ninety days by using Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament. The mystifying essence of grace is presented through Scripture, life application, and reflection. Come explore and develop an awareness of Gods grace in your life.
Grace is all and all is grace!
Über den Autor
Larry Gilbert is a trained spiritual director, a small-group Bible study facilitator, and a prison ministry volunteer. His service and experience span several years. Larry’s passion is helping individuals grow within their own spiritual formation while developing an awareness of God’s mercy, grace, and love within their lives.