Autor: Lars Fredrik Øksendal

ANDERS ÖGREN is Associate Professor at UCBH - Department of Economic History, Uppsala University and EHFF – Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. He is also Associated Researcher at Economi X – Université Paris Ouest and Lecturer at Institut d“Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). His most recent publications are Convergence and Divergence of National Financial Systems: Evidence from the Gold Standards, 1871 – 1971 (Eds. with Patrice Baubeau) and The Swedish Financial Revolution (Ed.). He has also published in international refereed journals such as Business History, Explorations in Economic History and Financial History Review. LARS FREDRIK ØKSENDAL is Assistant Professor at Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway and is currently involved in Norges Bank“s bicentenary project 1816-2016. He has published extensively on Norwegian monetary and financial history in journals such as Financial History Review, International History Review, Contemporary European History and the Review of International Political Economy.

2 Ebooks von Lars Fredrik Øksendal

Anders Ögren & Lars Fredrik Øksendal: The Gold Standard Peripheries
The remarkably successful gold standard before 1914 was the first international monetary regime. This book addresses the experience of the gold standard peripheries; i.e. regime takers with limited i …