Laura Gayle is the nom de plume of two friends who were ready to collaborate.Shannon Page was born on Halloween night and raised without television on a back-to-the-land commune in California. Her work has appeared in Clarkesworld, Interzone, Fantasy, Black Static,, and many anthologies. Books include Eel River; the collection Eastlick and Other Stories; and Our Lady of the Islands, co-written with the late Jay Lake. Her many editing credits include the essay collection The Usual Path to Publication. Shannon is a longtime yoga practitioner, has no tattoos, and is an avid gardener at home with her husband, Mark Ferrari, in Portland, Oregon. She has a tiny office made from a toolshed in the back yard, and still doesn“t have a television. Visit her at G. Berry has lived in or near Portland, Oregon, for over thirty years. She has failed to transcend her solidly Midwestern upbringing—no yoga, no tiny office, no garden, no husband. She does have three grown daughters, two small dogs, and several thousand books. She also has one television but it doesn“t work very well so she feels like it shouldn“t count. A social media professional by day, she is an extensively published poet, with work appearing in Goblin Fruit, Prairie Poetry, Fireweed, and many more print and online journals. Karen is the author of one novel (affectionately referred to as „that trailer park murder-mystery“), Love and Mayhem at the Francie June Memorial Trailer Park. Visit her at