‚This is a very substantive book that encompasses the various aspects of advance care planning, both prior to and after a diagnosis of a life-limiting disease. The realistic case studies help readers understand the complexities of decision-making by the individual and the family.‘– Doody’s Medical Reviews
While advance directives hold a great deal of promise for ensuring self-determination and quality of life near its end, the majority of Americans face life-threatening illness without having completed effective advance care planning.. This volume recounts the history of advance directives, chronicling the evolution of an approach that initially focused on completing forms, to one that now emphasizes more comprehensive strategies for facilitating conversations about end-of-life care and planning for dying and death. It provides helpful strategies for initiating and guiding discussions among providers, patients, and their loved ones, easing the burdens of uncertainty, and improving the efficacy of surrogate decision making near the end of life.
Scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines provide a well-rounded view of the history and challenges of advance directives. Authors include palliative care physicians, nurses, social workers, grief counselors, educators, lawyers, psychologists, sociologists, and medical ethicists. The book shares successful strategies on how effective advance care planning can provide smoother transitions at the end of life and ensure better quality of living before death. It incorporates effective multidisciplinary, relationship-based models of advance care planning along with multidisciplinary perspectives to help caregiving professionals initiate conversations and disseminate relevant information to patients and their loved ones and advocates. Case studies illustrate the importance of, challenges with, and prospects for advance directives and advance care planning. The book addresses common barriers to advance care planning and offers ways to overcome them, as well as detailing public health, legal, and comprehensive community planning approaches to change how our current American society deals with dying, death, and end-of-life care.
Key Features:- Introduces a multidisciplinary, pragmatic approach to advance care planning
- Addresses strategies to reform advance care planning
- Presents case studies illustrating the importance, benefits, and challenges of advance directives
- Features successful initiatives in advance care planning and new directions that shift community practice related to dying, death, and end-of-life care.
- Includes the contributions of physicians, grief counselors, medical ethicists, social workers, psychologists, medical ethicists, lawyers, nurses, educators, and others
Chapter 1: History and Overview of Advance Directives
Chapter 2: Barriers to Effective Advance Care Planning: A Sociological Perspective
Chapter 3: Advance Care Planning: Focus on Communication and Care Planning Rather Than on Building the Perfect Form
Chapter 4: Advance Medical Care Planning: The Legal Environment
Chapter 5: Advance Care Planning: Considerations for Practice with Older Adults
Chapter 6: Advance Care Planning and the Problem of Overtreatment
Chapter 7: Facing Challenges, Inspiring Improvement, and Leading Change in End of Life Care
Chapter 8: Worlds of Connection: Applying an Interdisciplinary Relational Model to Advance Care© To Communicating About End of Life
Chapter 9: Values, Beliefs and Perspectives in Communicating about Advance Care Planning
Chapter 10: Advance Directives and Patient-Family Decision Making, and the Conversations that Matter: Stories and Mobiles
Chapter 11: It Ainít Easy: Making Life and Death Decisions Before the Crisis
Chapter 12: Watch Over Me©: Therapeutic Conversations in Advanced Dementia
Chapter 13: Advance Care Planning and Nursing Home Residents and Families: Lessons Inspired by TV Game Shows
PART IV: CHARTING A NEW PATH: Successful Initiatives and New Directions
Chapter 14: Respecting ChoicesÆ: An Evidence-based Advance Care Planning Program with Proven Success and Replication
Chapter 15: Itís a Conversation
Chapter 16: Take Charge Partnership ìJust Talk(s) About Itî A Model for Sustained, Grassroots Activism
Chapter 17: Passion, Persistence, and Pennies
Chapter 18: Advance Care Directives as a Public Health Issue
Chapter 19: Does the Nationís Survival Depend on a New End-of-Life Conversation?
Appendix: Resources‘
Über den Autor
Susana Mc Cune, MA, CT, is a Certified Thanatologist, Behavioral Therapist, and a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Antioch University, Seattle.