Autor: Leo Catana

Dr Leo Catana is associate professor in Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen, where he works on ancient Greek and Renaissance philosophy. His main interests within these two periods concern ethics and political thought, especially within the tradition of Platonism and the way in which it has been understood and evaluated in the course of history. He is member of the editorial committee of the  Classica et Mediaevalia, and he is co-organizing The Copenhagen Intellectual History seminar.

5 Ebooks von Leo Catana

Leo Catana: Concept of Contraction in Giordano Bruno’s Philosophy
Through the concept of contraction, Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) endeavoured to explain the relationship of God to his Creation in a way that conformed with his pantheistic view of nature as well as hi …
Leo Catana: Concept of Contraction in Giordano Bruno’s Philosophy
Through the concept of contraction, Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) endeavoured to explain the relationship of God to his Creation in a way that conformed with his pantheistic view of nature as well as hi …
Leo Catana: Late Ancient Platonism in Eighteenth-Century German Thought
This work synthesizes work previously published in leading journals in the field into a coherent narrative that has a distinctive focus on Germany while also being aware of a broader European dimensi …
Leo Catana & Mogens Laerke: Historiographies of Philosophy 1800-1950
This volume discusses ways in which the history of philosophy has been written, from 1800 to 1950, and how it has been informed and guided by institutional, cultural, political, philosophical, and no …
Leo Catana & Mogens Laerke: Historiographies of Philosophy 1800-1950
This volume discusses ways in which the history of philosophy has been written, from 1800 to 1950, and how it has been informed and guided by institutional, cultural, political, philosophical, and no …