The mass media, press and television have always been central in the formation of corporate identity and the promotion of business image and reputation. This volume provides a new perspective into the interrelationships between media and organizations across three dimensions: Media as Business, Media in business and Business in the media.
Introduction; L.Chouliaraki & M.Morsing PART I: MEDIA AS BUSINESS Rethinking Television in the Digital Age; J.Turow BBC and New Media: Public Service Broadcasting in a Corporate Market Environment; N.Thumim & L.Chouliaraki Expansion and Autonomy: The Rise of the Business Press; P. Kjær PART II: MEDIA IN BUSINESS Strategic Auto-communication in Identity-image Interplay: The Dynamics of Mediatizing Organizational Identity; M.Morsing & A.Kjærgaard Mediatizing a Corporate Brand? Identity-effects on LEGO of Establishing a Media Company; E.Karmark Making sense of a crucial interface: Corporate Communication and the NEWS Media; J.P.Cornelissen, C.Carroll & W.J.L.Elving PART III: BUSINESS IN THE MEDIA Place Branding and Globalization. Media is the Message? P.van Ham Identity and Appeal in the Humanitarian Brand; A.Vestergaard The Construction of Businesswomen in the Media: Between Evil and Frailty; B.Czarniawska
Über den Autor
LILIE CHOULIARAKI is Prof of Media and Communications, Dept. of Media and Communications at LSE and Research Director of POlis, LSE’s forum for debate and research in journalism and society.
METTE MORSING (Ph.D.) is Professor and Director of CBS Center for Corporate Social Responsibility (cbs CSR) at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.