Autor: Linda R. Vogel

Linda R. Vogel is a professor of educational leadership and policy studies at the University of Northern Colorado. Her work includes preparing educational leaders to effectively respond to student learning needs in challenging contexts.

3 Ebooks von Linda R. Vogel

Linda R. Vogel: Leading Standards-Based Education Reform
Standards-based education (SBE) has been the dominant educational reform movement since the early 1980s, reinforced by federal and state accountability systems. This book examines the efforts of educ …
Chris Jenkins & Linda R Vogel: Increasing Student Achievement through Effective School Leadership
Best practices in addressing the learning needs of all students, particularly those identified as at-risk for failure, must be informed by theory, research, and experience. The practitioners in this …
Paulo Henrique Trombetta Zannin: Noise and Ergonomics in the Workplace
This book addresses two extremely important aspects of workplaces, namely, noise and ergonomics. Its thirteen chapters present and discuss theoretical and practical issues involving noise and/or ergo …