This intimate self-help guidebook offers a complete understanding of bulimia and a plan for recovery. It includes a two-week program to stop bingeing, ideas for things to do instead of bingeing, a guide for support groups, specific advice for loved ones, and ‚Eat Without Fear, ‚ Lindsey Hall’s story of her self-cure, which has inspired thousands of other bulimics. This 25th anniversary edition updates all information from previous editions, with additional material on assessment, new diagnostic categories, men and bulimia, evidence-based treatment, family-assisted recovery, the influence of media (including the Internet), the essentials of ‚long-term recovery, ‚ and much more. Drawing on its established track record of success,
Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery includes input from 400 recovered bulimics and is packed with valuable tips for therapists, educators, bulimics, and their loved ones.
Über den Autor
Lindsey Hall and Leigh Cohn, who are married, are internationally-respected authors of several books on eating disorders and recovery topics. Their original edition of
Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery was the first book ever published on bulimia, and Lindsey was the first ‚recovered bulimic‘ to appear on national television.
They have been honored by most national eating disorders organizations with an Award for Service from the Eating Disorders Coalition, honorary certification from the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals, and the Lori Irving Award for Excellence in Eating Disorders Prevention Awareness by the National Eating Disorders Association.
Leigh has also served as Editor-in-Chief of
Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, since 1992 and has been a featured speaker at many universities and eating disorders conferences.
Additionally, they own Gurze Books, the world’s leading publisher of eating disorders resources, which publishes numerous trade books as well as the
Eating Disorders Resource Catalogue, and maintain several websites including, Eating Disorders, and Eating Disorders They also have a partnership with the National Eating Disorders Association to operate NEDA’s online store.