Christians, the Care of Creation, and Global Climate Change is a wake-up call for Christians and others. It is a cogent and persuasive call to love God and our neighbors by caring for creation–especially in light of the dramatic climate changes occurring before our eyes. This book is not the final word on the subject, but it is a sincere invitation to examine the scientific evidence for global warming and to respond with individual and collective faithful actions.
CONTRIBUTORS: Douglas Allen, Jeffrey K. Greenberg, P. J. Hill, Sir John T. Houghton,
A. Duane Litfin, Ben Lowe, Vincent E. Morris, L. Kristen Page, Lindy Scott, Noah J. Toly
Über den Autor
Lindy Scott, editor of the Journal of Latin American Theology, is Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. He is also the Treasurer of the Fraternidad Teologica Latinoamericana. He is the author of Christians, the Care of Creation, and Global Climate Change (Pickwick, Publications) and edited the book El cuidado de la creacion y el calentamiento global: perspectivas del sur y del norte (Wipf & Stock).