This book introduces the legendary life of Li Qingzhao, a female poet and essayist in the Song Dynasty in China, her brilliant creation process in the world of lyrics, marriage events, and historical status, as well as several comments on her by later generations. Her main works are compiled for readers to read, recite and appreciate at the end of the book.
Über den Autor
何安菊,女,1972年12月17日出生于中国四川省广安市前锋区观阁镇高河村五组,现居广安市广安区洪州大道东段13号。中专文化,教师。爱读诗词歌赋,偶尔写诗。发表过文章。任中国管理科学研究院学术委特约研究员。Anju He is a female teacher. On December 17, 1972, she was born in Qianfeng District, Guang’an City, Sichuan Province, China. She now lives at No. 13, East Section of Hongzhou Avenue, Guang’an District, Guang’an City. She graduated from secondary school. She loves to read poems and songs and occasionally writes poetry. Published articles. She is an exceptional researcher on the China Academy of Management Sciences Academic Committee.