Autor: Lionel Torres

Lilian Bossuet is an Associate Professor at University of Saint-Etienne, head of the Embedded System Security group and head of the Computer Science departement of the Laboratoire Hubert Curien.  His research is in the general area of embedded systems design, including hardware security of embedded systems (data, intellectual property and system security) and reconfigurable hardware design.  His active research topics focus on Hardware security, war against illegal IC copy and counterfeiting, IP protection, PUF design and characterization, side channel attacks and countermeasures, TRNG attack, MCrypto PSo C architecture and design, crypto-processor architecture and design, embedded system security, and FPGA security. Lionel Torres is Professor at the University of Montpellier (Polytech Montpellier engineering school), France. His research activities is part of the microelectronic department of the Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics of Montpellier (laboratory to the University of Montpellier and the French National Center for Scientic Research (CNRS)). His research interests concern system level architecture, with a specific focus in the security and cryptographic applications and Non-Volatile Computing based on MRAM. He has a Ph D from the University of Montpellier in microelectronic design and was at the head of the microelectronic department of LIRMM and he is now deputy head of Polyptych Montpellier and at the Head of the Labex (Laboratory of Excellence) of Digital and Hardware Solutions, Environmental and Organic Life Modeling. He is also co-founder of the Algodone company, company proposing a Digital Right Management solution for silicon IP.

2 Ebooks von Lionel Torres

Lilian Bossuet & Lionel Torres: Foundations of Hardware IP Protection
This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the design of security-hardened, hardware intellectual property (IP). Readers will learn how IP can be threatened, as well as protected, by …
Benoit Badrignans & Jean Luc Danger: Security Trends for FPGAS
In Security Trends for FPGA’s the authors present an analysis of current threats against embedded systems and especially FPGAs. They discuss about requirements according to the FIPS standard in order …