Detective Sam Reeves is barely seated in a cab when he learns that during his two-week trip in Southeast Asia, hate crimes have rocked his city of Portland, including one very brutal lynching. As the crimes continue, thousands of fearful protestors march the streets, clashing with police and demanding more be done to put an end to the escalating violence!
Reassigned to the Intelligence Unit following his “bad shoot” several months ago, Sam is quickly consumed day and night, trying to deal with his city’s horrors. When he finally gets some leads, he realizes that there’s one big problem. While the bad guys pack bats, knives, and rifles, Sam has a crippling fear about carrying a loaded gun!
One thing is for sure: Sam is about to confront violent haters—and his personal demons—in a showdown that will shake the very foundation of his city.
Über den Autor
Loren W. Christensen began his law enforcement career in 1967 as a Military Policeman (Army). He joined the Portland (Oregon) Police Bureau in 1972, retiring in 1997. During his years on PPB, he worked street patrol, child abuse, dignitary protection, Intelligence, street gangs, and in the training unit.
Christensen began training in the martial arts in 1965. Over the years he has earned a total of 11 black belts, eight in karate, two in jujitsu and one in arnis.
As a professional writer since 1978, he has written 45 books, dozens of magazine articles, and edited a police newspaper for eight years. He has written about martial arts, missing children, street gangs, school shootings, workplace violence, police-involved shootings, nutrition, exercise, prostitution, and various street subcultures.
Loren was inducted into the martial arts Masters Hall of Fame in 2011.
Loren W. Christensen resides near Portland Oregon.