Intended to contribute, in his own words, to a ‚left-wing critique of Stalinism that would help put some substance back into the revolutionary project here in the West, ‚ they are the record of a shared history. At the same time they chart Althusser’s critique of the theoretical system unveiled in his own major works, and his developing practice of philosophy as a ‚revolutionary weapon.‘ Attesting to the unique place which Althusser has occupied in modern intellectual history-between a tradition of Marxism which he sought to reconstruct, and a ‚post-Marxism‘ which has eclipsed its predecessor-these texts are indispensable reading.
Über den Autor
Gregory Elliott is a member of the editorial collective of Radical Philosophy and author of Althusser: The Detour of Theory and Labourism and the English Genius: The Strange Decay of Labour England?.