This compilation of the mystical writings of Hadewijch of Antwerp is best described, in Andrew Harvey’s words, as a ‚heroic song‘ of love. The book presents an honest picture of love from every angle, stripped of sentimentality, not disguising the high price love demands if it is to be taken or given seriously. In a world torn by division, indifference and chaos, to read Love is Everything is to be awakened to the full potential and dignity of being human, and to be changed.
Hadewijch of Antwerp was one of Christianity’s greatest Christian mystics, a Beguine who lived in the 13th century.
Andrew Harvey is a world-renowned poet, novelist, translator, mystical scholar, spiritual teacher, and the founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism. He saw in Hadewijch’s writings a promise and hope for a broken world and felt called to make it accessible to more people by presenting it in daily-reading format. He writes in the Preface to the book:
I offer this book to all seekers on all paths as a source of indomitable joy, noble hope, and inspiration for selfless service at a time when the future of humanity demands that we listen to and follow the sacred leadership of the great heroes of Divine Love, like Hadewijch of Antwerp and together, in Love, as Love, for Love, birth a new humanity and a new world.