Autor: Lovemore Togarasei

​Lovemore Togarasei, is Professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Botswana. He has also served as a Professor Extraordinare at the North West University, Mafikeng Campus, South Africa, Guest Professor at Zimbabwe Open University and Visiting Professor, University of South Africa. Togarasei has also taken visiting research fellowships at University of Cambridge (Britain), Edinburgh University (Scotland) University of Leiden (Netherlands). His research interests lie in the areas of the use the Bible (especially among Pentecostal churches) in addressing socio-political and economic issues such as HIV and AIDS, politics, masculinity and gender, poverty, etc.

11 Ebooks von Lovemore Togarasei

Lovemore Togarasei: Aspects of Pentecostal Christianity in Zimbabwe
This edited book offers an engaging portrait into a vital, religious movement inside this southern Africa country. It tells the story of a community of faith that is often overlooked in the region. T …
Fidelis Nkomazana & Lovemore Togarasei: Faith Sector and HIV/AIDS in Botswana
This book is a collection of chapters by seasoned scholars of religion covering the role played by various religions at home in Botswana in the struggle against HIV and AIDS. The book is a direct res …
Lovemore Togarasei & Ezra Chitando: Lobola (Bridewealth) in Contemporary Southern Africa
This volume explores the multiple meanings and implications of lobola in Southern Africa. The payment of lobola (often controversially translated as ‘bridewealth’) is an entrenched practice in m …
Ezra Chitando & Joram Tarusarira: Religion-Regime Relations in Zimbabwe
This book explores religion-regime relations in contemporary Zimbabwe to identify patterns of co-operation and resistance across diverse religious institutions.Using co-operation and resistance as an …
Ezra Chitando & Joram Tarusarira: Religion-Regime Relations in Zimbabwe
This book explores religion-regime relations in contemporary Zimbabwe to identify patterns of co-operation and resistance across diverse religious institutions.Using co-operation and resistance as an …
Francis Machingura & Lovemore Togarasei: Pentecostalism and Human Rights in Contemporary Zimbabwe
This volume offers updated accounts of Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe, and explores most of the dominant themes in contemporary Pentecostalism, including leadership, competition, gender, youth and prospe …
Tobias Marevesa & Nyasha Madzokere: Contemporary African Perspectives on the Bible
This volume explores current methodological developments in the interpretation of the Bible from an African perspective. Previous scholarship has explored the relevance of Eurocentric biblical interp …
Ezra Chitando & Lovemore Togarasei: African Pentecostalism from African Perspectives
This book makes a significant contribution to the study of African Pentecostalism, by reflecting on their output. Deviating from the widespread phenomenon of scholars from the Global North being domi …
Ezra Chitando & Joram Tarusarira: Inventing the New Dispensation in Zimbabwe
How does a regime, whose members have been actively involved in the previous one, appropriate and deploy religious ideas and rhetoric to cast itself as ‚born-again‘ and attractive? Exploring intersec …
Ezra Chitando & Joram Tarusarira: Inventing the New Dispensation in Zimbabwe
How does a regime, whose members have been actively involved in the previous one, appropriate and deploy religious ideas and rhetoric to cast itself as ‚born-again‘ and attractive? Exploring intersec …
Ezra Chitando & Lovemore Togarasei: African Pentecostalism from African Perspectives
Although African scholars have made a significant contribution to the study of African Pentecostalism, very few studies have reflected on their output. Most of the contemporary publications on the wi …