This Primer focusses on the statistical physics of classical and quantum systems. The course text explores the three cornerstones of statistical physics which include the Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose-Einstein distribution laws. It also provides a highly useful and in-depth investigation of the thermal properties of paradigmatically important systems such as classical ideal gas, electron gas and phonon gas.
The structure of this text is tailored to facilitate the planning of a one-semester course: this volume provides bachelor students with a main teaching tool. More specifically, each part identifies an independent teaching module, while each chapter corresponds to approximately two weeks of lecturing.
Key Features
- Fills a gap for a self-contained undergraduate textbook in statistical physics of condensed matter systems
- Tailored for a one-semester course
- Focuses on a selected set of topics, whilst also providing substantial, in-depth coverage of the subject
- Emphasises phenomenology rather than mathematics/formalism
- Uses various pedagogical features, including chapter outline, proof-of-concept pictures
I Classical statistical physics
1 The statistical description of a classical system
2 Thermal properties of classical gases
II Quantum statistical physics
3 The statistical description of a quantum system
4 Thermal properties of quantum gases
5 Other quantum systems and phenomena
III Concluding remarks
6 What is missing in this “Primer”
IV Appendices
A Mathematical tools
B Gibbs entropy
C Thermodynamic potentials
D Calculating the grand partition function of a real gas
E Fermi-Dirac distribution law: a phenomenological derivation
F The conceptual framework for solid-state physics
G Bose-Einstein distribution law: a phenomenological derivation
H Density of states of the blackbody radiation
Über den Autor
Luciano Colombo is a professor of theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Cagliari and fellow of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. He has been doing theoretical and computational research on materials physics for more than 30 years, publishing more than 250 scientific papers and leading several research projects.