Apostle Luis Lopez has been sent by the Lord Jesus to prepare the Body of Christ for the Second Advent of Christ. He was born in Brooklyn, New York and became a born-again Christian at the age of 15. In 2003, Jesus appeared to him in a vision and took him up in the spirit to the third heaven. Since this vision, he has been receiving prophetic and audible dreams, visions, and revelations of the Word, the tribulation period, and the end of the age. He has been married to Michelle Lopez since 2002, and they have four children.
6 Ebooks von Luis Lopez
Luis López: Aspectos conflictivos del derecho de libre determinación de los pueblos. El caso de Kosovo y sus consecuencias
Proyecto/Trabajo fin de carrera del año 2016 en eltema Política – Región: Sudeste de Europa, Universitat de València, Idioma: Español, Resumen: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis d …
Lopez Luis Lopez: Code-switching – Experimental Answers to Theoretical Questions
This volume compiles eight original chapters dedicated to different topics within bilingual grammar and processing with special focus on code-switching. Three main features unify the contributions to …
Oscar Melo & Luis López: Diseño de Experimentos [Métodos y Aplicaciones]
Esta obra que ponemos a consideración de la comunidad estadística, se concibió ante el incremento constante del manejo de métodos experimentales en diferentes campos de la investigación científica; p …
Luis Lopez: Indefinite Objects
A novel view of the syntax-semantics interface that analyzes the behavior of indefinite objects.In Indefinite Objects, Luis Lopez presents a novel approach to the syntax-semantics interface using ind …