Autor: Lydia Heidrich

Lydia Heidrich is a research assistant and Ph D candidate at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen, Germany. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu is a Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen, Germany. Dr. Paul Mecheril is a Professor at the Faculty of Education at Bielefeld University, Germany. Dr. Saphira Shure is a research assistant at the Faculty of Education at Bielefeld University, Germany.

2 Ebooks von Lydia Heidrich

Lydia Heidrich & Yasemin Karakaşoğlu: Regimes of Belonging – Schools – Migrations
This edited volume aims to critically discuss in how far the national orientation of schools and teacher education is appropriate in light of increasing migration and transnationality. The contributi …
Lydia Heidrich: Die Herstellung von Differenz in Vorbereitungsklassen
Mit den erhöhten Migrations- und Fluchtbewegungen kamen um das Jahr 2015 viele Kinder und Jugendliche ohne Deutschkenntnisse nach Deutschland. Um diese neu migrierten Schüler:innen zu unterrichten, w …