It is common today to hear the claim that we are engaged in ‚a clash of cultures.‘ The first step in addressing conflict is for all parties to listen to each other. That is the goal of this publication: to allow Christians, Muslims and Jews to listen to each other’s scripture and tradition, particularly to hear what each has to say about seeking justice, pursuing peace and working for reconciliation.
‚The pious of all nations shall have a place in the world to come.‘
Sanhedrin 105a/Babylonian Talmud
‚I bring heaven and earth to witness that the Holy Spirit dwells upon a non-Jew as well as upon a Jew, upon a woman as well as upon a man, upon a maidservant as well as a manservant. All depends on the deeds of a particular individual.‘
Tanna de Vei Eliyahu
‚You yourselves know that it is unlawful for a Jew to associate with or to visit a Gentile; but God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean. So when I was sent for, I came without objection. Now may I ask why you sent for me?‘
The Apostle Peter, Acts 10:28-29
Über den Autor
Rev. Kenneth L. Sehested is co-pastor of Circle of Mercy Congregation in Asheville, NC. A recipient of numerous awards for activism and writing, in 1984 he also became the founding director of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America. His most recent book is Peace Primer II: Quotes from Jewish, Christian, Islamic Scripture and Tradition.