Edward Ghali, DSc, Dept. of Mining and Metallurgy, Laval
University, Quebec City, Canada G1K 7P4
V. S. Sastri, Ph.D, Sai Ram Consultants, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, K1J 6S7
Consulting in the fields of corrosion and corrosion control by
inhibitors in sour gas systems, grinding balls, microbiological
corrosion, corrosion of low-leaded copper-base alloys, hydrogen
damage in high-strength and rail steels, galvanic corrosion of
household plumbing solders and contamination of drinking water,
surface quantification of corrosion products, electrochemical
sensors for hydrogen in steels, reverse osmosis and water pollution
and beneficiation of ores.
M. Elboujdaini, Ph.D., Materials Technology Laboratories,
CANMET, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0G1
Research Scientist and Group Leader/Corrosion & Protection at
Natural Resources Canada, CANMET, Materials Technology Laboratory
(MTL), Ottawa, Canada.
Authority in hydrogen-induced cracking and material degradation in
H2S environment; Coordinated complex and difficult tests
on full-scale pipes in H2S environment for oil and gas
industries; Provided critical technical information and
consultative expertise to Canadian companies.
2 Ebooks von M. Elboujdaini
Edward Ghali & V. S. Sastri: Corrosion Prevention and Protection
Corrosion Prevention and Protection: Practical Solutions presents a functional approach to the various forms of corrosion, such as uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, galvanic co …
M. Elboujdaini & E. Ghali: Materials Performance Maintenance
This book contains 25 papers taken from proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Conference of Metallurgists, the first to be organized by the Corrosion Science Section of the Metallurgical Society of CIM …