Francisco Rebelo is an ergonomist researcher whose work has focused on the interaction of design with emerging technologies. He is the Head of the Ergo VR research and is mainly involved in the modeling of Virtual Environments to study and optimize human interaction in ergonomic design.
Marcelo Soares has taught on a broad range of subjects in the Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) domain, including Industrial and Product Ergonomics, and has held positions as a teacher and researcher in Mexico, Portugal, the UK, and the US. He pioneered the implementation of an HFE distance learning course in Brazil and postgraduate programs in HFE for the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. His scientific publications have mainly focused on the topics Usability, Product Design, Manufacturing, Information, and Cognitive Ergonomics.
8 Ebooks von Marcelo Soares
Marcelo Soares & Christianne Falcão: Advances in Ergonomics Modeling, Usability & Special Populations
This book focuses on emerging issues in ergonomics, with a special emphasis on modeling, usability engineering, human computer interaction and innovative design concepts. It presents advanced theorie …
Francisco Rebelo & Marcelo Soares: Advances in Ergonomics in Design
This book provides readers with a timely snapshot of ergonomics research and methods applied to design, development, prototyping, as well as evaluation, training and manufacturing of products, system …
Francisco Rebelo & Marcelo Soares: Advances in Ergonomics in Design
This book provides readers with a timely snapshot of ergonomics research and methods applied to the design, development and prototyping – as well as the evaluation, training and manufacturing – of pr …
Francisco Rebelo & Marcelo Soares: Advances in Ergonomics in Design
This book provides readers with a timely snapshot of ergonomics research and methods applied to the design, development and prototyping—as well as the evaluation, training and manufacturing—of produc …
Waldemar Karwowski & Marcelo Soares: Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design, 2 Volume Set
A comprehensive resource, this handbook covers consumer product research, case study, and application. It discusses the unique perspective a human factors approach lends to product design and how thi …
Brian Michael Bendis: Novos Vingadores: Motim!
Os Vingadores não existem mais. Sua ausência abre caminho para um insidioso plano de fuga em massa da Balsa, a instalação de segurança máxima da penitenciária da Ilha Ryker, onde os supercriminosos m …
Edilaine Cagliari: Juízo Final
Tudo começou com um jogo de dominó, ao melhor estilo tarde de sol de aposentados, com todo mundo se divertindo. Aos poucos, ganhou ares de competição, foi para os dardos, depois para damas, em seguid …
Peter Milligan: Namor: As Profundezas
Atlântida: mito ou realidade? Há séculos essa pergunta aguça a curiosidade e mexe com a imaginação de cientistas, exploradores e estudiosos do mundo todo. Existirá mesmo uma fabulosa cidade submersa …