Marco Cantù is an internationally known Delphi expert and winner of the 1999 Spirit of Delphi award, who lives in Italy. Author of six editions of the best-selling Mastering Delphi, he teaches advanced Delphi classes, speaks at conferences worldwide, and writes about Delphi programming in print and online magazines. You can reach him through his Web site at
2 Ebooks von Marco Cantù
Marco Cantù: Mastering Delphi 6
Still the Best Delphi Resource A Fully Revised Version of the Book That Won the Delphi Informant Readers Choice Award If you’re looking to capitalize on the powerful capabilities of the latest releas …
Marco Cantù & Paweł Głowacki: Expert Delphi
Master Delphi, the most powerful Object Pascal IDE and versatile component library for cross-platform native app development, by harnessing its capabilities for building natively compiled, blazingly …