The fundamental objective of this book is to define the meaning of faith in the
Lord God Jesus Christ, in yourself, and in the wonderful things in store for the future. I
have always believed that God is in total control of each of our lives, and that He has a
plan for profound greatness on our behalf. You have the opportunity to achieve the
greatness for which God has in store for your life, and it is your responsibility to do
exactly that. God has loved us all unconditionally prior to the day for which we were
brought into the world. No matter where you are in your life or what you may have done,
He will always lead you in the right direction if you ask Him to. You were put on Earth
to bring about a positive impact into the lives of others. This is your purpose for being
here. To fulfill your purpose, you were given many gifts from God to do so. It is up to you
to reach out to God in prayer; and as time goes on, you will not only achieve what God
has in store, but you will ultimately become the person that He created you to be!
Über den Autor
I have just recently graduated from Avoyelles High School near the top of my
class with a 3.8 GPA (unweighted). I will begin college in August of this year at
Louisiana College in Pineville, Lousiana. I will transfer after the first or second year to
either Morehouse College or Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. I will major in
political science and pursue a career first in education, law, and politics. I aspire also to
become a famous actor. At the moment, I am a motivational speaker and author, which
will continue for years to come. I speak at all kinds of different places and venues about
the important of faith in God, education, believing in yourself, and being successful in
life. I speak also on important political issues such as abortion, free enterprise, moral
stability, etc. God has been the major aspect of my life for five years now, and I am
eternally grateful for Him in my life. I am also grateful for my parents, who are always
there for me no matter what. I have great faith in what is in store for my future, and I
strive each and everyday to achieve the desires of my heart. It is my fundamental priority
to use God’s wonderful gifts to change the world for the better!