Marek Halter was born in Poland, the son of a printer and a Yiddish poet. Narrowly escaping the Warsaw Ghetto during the Second World War, he and his parents spent time in Russia and Uzbekistan before emigrating to France. Once in Paris, he studied pantomime alongside Marcel Marceau before embarking on a career as a painter. In the 1970s, he founded the International Committee for a Negotiated Peace Agreement in the Middle East and played a crucial role in the organization of the first official meetings between the Palestinians and Israelis; a role he continues to this day.Marek Halter speaks ten languages, and is fluent in French, English, German, Russian and Yiddish. He is the author of several internationally acclaimed novels, and is a regular contributor to Die Welt and La Republica. In France, Sarah, Zipporah and most recently Lilah have all been Top Ten Bestsellers.
14 Ebooks von Marek Halter
Marek Halter: Il cabalista di Praga
Praga 1600. La violenza sta per devastare la città. Solo un segreto millenario potrà salvarla. Praga, 1600. I cristiani minacciano il ghetto della città, ne assediano le porte, tentano di entrare per …
Marek Halter: Protocollo Cremlino
Intrighi politici, spie e amori inconfessabili Quale segreto nasconde l’amante di Stalin? Un grande romanzo di Marek Halter Giugno 1950, la commissione Mc Carthy, che in piena caccia alle streghe sta …
Marek Halter: Maria, la madre di Gesù
Ribelle e coraggiosa Chi era veramente Miryam di Nazareth? Dall’autore di Il cabalista di Praga e Protocollo Cremlino Nella Galilea schiacciata dalla tirannia di re Erode, la giovane Miryam di Nazare …
Marek Halter: Aisha
După Khadija, bogata văduvă care i-a dăruit lui Mahomed nu doar o afecțiune profundă, ci și mijloacele de a se impune în societatea închisă din Mecca, și Fatima, fiica plină de cutezanță și devotamen …
Marek Halter: Khadija – Iubirile Orientului
O prosperă femeie de afaceri, Khadija este văduvă. Pentru a-și păstra locul în sânul comunităţii negustorilor bogaţi din Mecca, ea trebuie să se recăsătorească și, contrar așteptărilor, alege un bărb …
Marek Halter: Fatima – Iubirile Orientului
Pe când mama ei, Khadija, era pe patul de moarte, Fatima i-a promis că va veghea mereu asupra lui Mahomed. Așa va face, dejucând chiar o tentativă de asasinat la adresa tatălui său. Traiul la Mecca d …
Marek Halter: Zipporah
More than three thousand years ago, a black child was found on the shore of the Red Sea. She was given the name Zipporah, ‚the bird‘. But because of the colour of her skin, her fate was sealed: in th …
Marek Halter: Lilah
I can’t be with those who throw stones at women and children.It’s beyond me.Beyond my love for Ezra.Beyond my respect for God.In 397 BC, in Susa, the opulent capital of the Persian empire, where the …
Marek Halter: Sarah: A Heroine Of The Old Testament
People may know that Abraham, the great Patriarch of the Old Testament, was the first man to spread God’s word. But how many know of his wife, Sarah? How she was born into a wealthy and powerful fami …
Marek Halter: Why the Jews?
** The latest provocative book by the international bestselling author, Marek Halter ** Seventy-five years after the Holocaust, which decimated a people several thousand years old, after we swore in …