Metastatic Carcinomas of Unknown Origin, by Mark R. Wick, MD, is the first comprehensive, fully illustrated discussion of the clinical features, pathologic attributes, and treatment approaches of metastatic carcinomas of unknown origin (MCUOs).
More than 30, 000 cases of MCUOs are identified in the United States each year, and since treatment plans for tumors are predicated largely on their primary sites, management can be especially difficult. This unique text provides a framework for approaching these complex issues, with contributions from international experts in the field of MCUOs.
The book is divided into five topic areas, covering clinical presentations, methods of pathologic evaluation, techniques for topographic localization, and treatment and prognosis of carcinomas from an unknown anatomic source, as well as postmortem validation studies pertaining to those subjects.
Special features include: Liberally illustrated throughout, with a companion CD-ROM of all-color images from the book Concise yet comprehensive presentation, spanning MCUO from presentation through treatment and postmortem validation Incorporates the latest clinical research and treatment discussions from international experts A unique detailed section on paraneoplasia, a rarely covered topic
Special features include :- Liberally illustrated throughout, with a companion CD-ROM of all-color images from the book
- Concise yet comprehensive presentation, spanning MCUO from presentation through treatment and postmortem validation
- Incorporates the latest clinical research and treatment discussions from international experts
- A unique detailed section on paraneoplasia, a rarely covered topic
Clinical Findings; Clinical Presentations of MCUOs; Paraneolastic Syndromes Associated with MCUOs; Neurologic Paraneoplasias; Dermatologic Paraneoplasias; Non-neurologic, Non-dermatologic Paraneoplasias; Pathologic Evaluation of Metastases; Histology and Cytopathology; Electron Microscopy; Immunohistology; Serum Tumor Markers; Tissue Microarrays and Gene Chips; Clinical Localization of Primary Tumors; Endoscopic Evaluation of the Head and Neck; Endoscopic Evaluation of the Gastrointestinal Tract; Radiological Assessments; Treatment, Prognosis, and Future Prospects; Chemotherapy; Surgical Therapies; Postmortem Validation Studies.