How has Christ been seen for the last two millennia? From the Christ of the Gospels to the Isa of Islam, this book explores the way Jesus Christ has been viewed, described, promoted, opposed and written about.
What did the word ‚Christ‘ mean in the first century, and how did it resonate with the politics and religion of the time? And beyond that, how was Jesus seen in the New Testament, and then onto the time of the Desert Fathers? What of the heretical Christs – and who decided, and why? And from the 2nd century onwards, people started to draw and to paint images of Christ – how did this change and develop? The book then traces the history of Christ through the militant leader of the Crusaders, via the multi-faceted Christ of the Middle Ages, and the opposing views of Him thrown up by the Reformation and the wars that followed. Finally, the authors consider the Christ of the technological age and the age of total war, before looking also at the Christ of Liberation Theology, Marxism, the Developing world, the Dalits, other faiths, and the Post-modern Christ of the 21st century.
Acknowledgments 9
Introduction 11
Chapter 1: What is a Christ? 13
Chapter 2: Christ in Acts and the Early Letters 26
Chapter 3: Christ of the Gospels 40
Chapter 4: Getting it “Right”… Getting it “Wrong”…
Christ of the Creeds 56
Chapter 5: Now You See Him, Now You Don’t…
Portraying Christ 70
Chapter 6: Imperial Christ 85
Chapter 7: Christ of the Barbarians…
Beyond the Mediterranean Heartlands 101
Chapter 8: Christ of the Crusaders 117
Chapter 9: The Many-sided Christ of the Middle Ages 132
Chapter 10: Reigning from the Cross
or Suffering on the Cross? 148
Chapter 11: “Reformed” Church… “Reformed” Ideas
About Christ? 160
Chapter 12: “King Jesus and the Heads upon the Gate!” 176
Chapter 13: Christ in the Age of the Enlightenment and
Western Imperialism 188
Chapter 14: Christ in the Age of Total War and the Search
for a “Modern Christology” 202
Chapter 15: Christ with a Kalashnikov? 216
Chapter 16: Christ in the Developing World:
Some African and Asian Christologies 228
Chapter 17: Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit 242
Chapter 18: Christ in Other Religions 255
Chapter 19: Postmodern Christ? 268
Picturing Christ 274
Web links to a number of the pictures referred to in
the book can be found here, listed by chapter.
References 277
Index 285
Über den Autor
Esther Whittock is a religious studies teacher and author living in England. She is a University of Cambridge graduate in Theology and Religious studies. Martyn Whittock is her father.