MARY BANKS’ journal is meant to in uence people to separate and transfer their challenging thoughts to
paper. She encourages writing as a way to travel down memory’s lane through the written word. e quotes
give a positive anchor from deep-seated pain.
Mary encourages and inspires you with exciting quotes on each page. e journal also introduces Jesus to anyone
who doesn’t know Him. Mary’s series, “An Attitude of Expectancy” is part- memoirs and part-testimonial
tips based on her years of recording life events. ey are lled with stories that her relatives told her as a young
girl. ey all encourage people to learn to never give up and to strive for the very best. She writes that some
of our problems may be there for a long time in order to teach us and in order for us to see how long it takes
our hearts to become humble. Her books are lled with unexpected experiences, love, pain and even rejection.
She compels people to check their circle for people who drain energy. is series of books encourages you to
learn from mistakes. She shares testimonies in order to bless others. Her series explains that we are all born
to love. Her books explain that success is not about our possessions; but rather about relationships. e series
encourages forgiveness to gain complete love and peace within ourselves. Mary is the third child born to an
African American family on Chicago’s southside. She graduated from De Paul University and has six degrees
including an honorary doctorate of divinity and a doctorate in Philosophy. She retired from law enforcement
and spends time volunteering and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her hope is that this series of books
will allow people to know that they are never alone. GOD LOVES YOU!!!
Über den Autor
MARY BANKS is a Christian. She is also a prayer warrior. She knows that success is
sharing who you are with others. Mary’s mission is to tell people that God loves them
and to remind them just who they are in Christ. She wants people to know that the only
faith that we have is our actions and our conversation. Our desire won’t mean anything
to God or other people until they mean everything to us. She has taught bible classes for
over 20 years and discusses the application to daily living. In her writings, she compels
people to make the best out of whatever you’ve got. She stresses that a true Spiritual
being will love and never hate anyone.
Mary accepted the Lord as her personal Savior as a young girl. She is a licensed minister who has been called to teach
and evangelize about the Word of God consistently. As a part of her mandate, she traveled to hospitals on intercessory
prayer missions. She also traveled state to state facilitating workshops for women and to preach the gospel. She is a
notary public and made house-calls to the sick and shut-in for years. She preaches in nursing homes, prisons, helps
with outreach and many other things. Mary has a bachelor’s degree in management communications from De Paul
University. She also has a master’s degree in biblical studies. She has associates in Stenography and Legal Secretarial
Science. She received her honorary Doctorate of Divinity and a second Doctorate in Philosophy. Mary retired after
spending 30 years working in law enforcement as an administrator and stenographer while also serving voluntarily
in various capacities in the local church. She is currently in a new career teaching at a learning center. She worked
diligently in her community passing out free food, face masks and sanitizers during the covid-19 pandemic. She has
volunteered as a secretary of her block club alongside her husband who is the president for many years. Mary served
as a parent volunteer in the Chicago Public and Private schools. She worked as a background actor for television.
Her rst edition of her book, “An Attitude of Expectancy” rated 8.93 by the critics and is online at Amazon. Mary
enjoys writing and traveling. Her favorite exercises are walking, jogging and boxing at a sports club. She wants
everyone to know that di cult situations must be examined; because it is healthy to recognize them without avoidance.
In her books, she explains that some problems may be there for a long period of time in order to teach us and
to see just how long it takes our hearts to become humble. She has taught her students to be the change that they
want to see in this world.