Autor: Matteo Rivellini

Matteo Rivellini is an experienced manager in the infrastructure and development financing sector in response to the migrant crisis, particularly in the Western Balkans, Italy and Central Europe. He is currently the Head of Division in charge of lending operations in Slovenia, Croatia and the Western Balkans at the European Investment Bank. Matteo has played a pivotal role in the roll-out of the Economic Resilience Initiative in the Western Balkans and in the overall coordination of the operational response to the refugee crisis on behalf of the European Investment Bank. He previously served as advisor to the Italian Vice-President at the Bank and as legal advisor for EIB operations in Italy and the Western Balkans. In the past, Matteo also worked in a renowned law firm in Milan. He holds a degree in International Law from Università Cattolica in Milan and speaks fluent Italian, English, French and Spanish. When he isn't working, Matteo can be found tending to his olive trees.

4 Ebooks von Matteo Rivellini

Matteo Rivellini: Hope and strength in the Western Balkans
The Western Balkans have been a crossing point between Central Europe and the East for centuries. Devastated by tragic conflicts, nationalism and neglected investments, the Western Balkan countries a …
Matteo Rivellini: Forza e speranza nei Balcani occidentali
Per secoli i Balcani occidentali hanno rappresentato un crocevia tra Europa centrale e Oriente. I paesi dei Balcani occidentali, devastati da tragici conflitti, nazionalismi e mancati investimenti, l …
Matteo Rivellini: Espoir et force dans les Balkans occidentaux
Les Balkans occidentaux sont depuis des siècles un point de passage entre l'Europe centrale et l'Orient. Dévastés par des conflits tragiques, des dérives nationalistes et des investis-semen …
Matteo Rivellini: Hoffnung und Stärke im Westbalkan
Der Westbalkan: Seit Jahrhunderten bildet er einen Übergang zwischen Mittel- und Osteuropa. Schwer gezeichnet von tragischen Konflikten, Nationalismus und versäumten Investitionen, sind die Länder de …