In 813, Maurice Leblanc’s epic tale, Arsène Lupin, master of disguise and celebrity thief, is framed in the murder of millionaire Rudolf Kesselbach, nicknamed alternatively the King of Diamonds and the Lord of the Cape. Lupin assumes the identity of the chief detective on the case in order to find the real murderer and, in the interest of France, find a secret parcel of documents that have the power to redraw the map of Europe. Lupin must use every ounce of his genius to escape ensnarement by both obvious and stealthy means.
Lupin has been depicted in countless film and stage adaptions, most recently as the inspiration of the Netflix series, Lupin, starring Omar Sy. This Warbler Classics edition includes a detailed chronology of Leblanc’s life and work.
I. The Tragedy at the Palace Hotel 1
II. The Blue-Edged Label 21
III. M. Lenormand Opens His Campaign 39
IV. Prince Sernine at Work 55
V. M. Lenormand at Work 84
VI. M. Lenormand Succumbs 102
VII. Parbury-Ribeira-Altenheim 121
VIII. The Olive-Green Frock-Coat 143
IX. ‚Santé Palace‘ 163
X. Lupin’s Great Scheme 189
XI. Charlemagne 203
XII. The Emperor’s Letters 217
XIII. The Seven Scoundrels 242
XIV. The Man in Black 263
XV. The Map of Europe 283
XVI. Arsène Lupin’s Three Murders 302
Epilogue. The Suicide 323
Maurice Leblanc’s Life and Work 331
Über den Autor
Alexander Louis Teixeira de Mattos (1865-1921), known as Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, was a Dutch-English journalist, literary critic and publisher, who gained his greatest fame as a translator.