This book provides a comprehensive analysis of interactions between older people and the criminal justice system. The editors present current research on elders in a multitude of roles, from victim and offender to attorney, defendant, witness, juror, and prisoner. Of particular interest are chapters on the psychological and medical conditions of elder prisoners, and issue around selective decarceration. Each contributor documents empirical data and identifies social, policy, and ethical implications, where applicable. Recommended for gerontologists, sociologists, social workers, and professionals in the legal and criminal justice fields.
Foreword: Putting Elders and the Criminal Justice System into Historical Perspective by
W. Andrew Achenbaum and Mary A. Schieve
Max B. Rothman, Burton D. Dunlop, and Pamela Entzel
Part I: Elders and Crime
Polices and Elders, W. Clinton Terry III and Pamela Entzel Elders as Victims of Crime, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation, Rosalie S. Wolf Elders as Perpetrators, Edith Elisabeth Flynn Part II: Elders and the Criminal Court
Elders in the Courtroom, William E. Adams, Jr. Impact of the Criminal Justice Process on Older Persons, Sanford I. Finkel and Inez J. Macko The Older Eyewitness, A. Daniel Yarmey The Suggestibility of Older Witnesses, Brian H. Bornstein, Christy J. Witt, Katie E. Cherry, and Edith Greene Elders and Jury Service: A Case of Age Discrimination? Pamela Entzel, Burton D. Dunlop, and Max B. Rothman Part III: Elders and Imprisonment
Sentencing the Older Offender: Is There an “Age Bias“? Darrell Steffensmeier and Mark Motivans The Older Prisoner: Social, Psychological, and Medical Considerations, John J. Kerbs Arguments and Strategies for the Selective Decarceration of Older Prisoners, John J. Kerbs Part IV: An International Perspective
Elders and the Criminal Justice System in England, Judith Phillips, Anne Worrall, and Alison Brammer Elders and the Criminal Justice System in Germany, Arthur Kreuzer and Ulrike Grasberger Elders and the Criminal Justice System in Israel, Malca Alek and Sarah Ben-David Elders and Japanese Corrections, Elmer H. Johnson Part V: Conclusions
Epilogue: Policy Implications for the 21st Century, Burton D. Dunlop, Max B. Rothman, and Pamela Entzel Index