The European system of insurance supervision under Solvency II constitutes a parallel to supervision of credit institutions under Basel III. At the heart of this new European insurance supervisory regime are the Solvency II Directive, the attendant regulation, and the EIOPA Regulation. The present volume, ‚Treatises on Solvency II‘, includes articles on the bases of European insurance supervision and the associated three pillars of solvency, governance, and disclosure, all viewed predominantly from a legal standpoint.
Part I Basics: 1. Harmonization of Insurance Supervisory Law.- 2. Supervisory Review Process.- 3. Insurance Supervisory Law and Consumer Protection.- Part II Solvency: 4. Solvency Requirements.- Part III Governance: 5. Own Risk and Solvency Assessment.- 6. Fitness of Members of Supervisory Board.- 7. Definition and Holders of Key Functions.- 8. Supervisory Review of Key Functions.- 9. ‘Senior Management’ of Insurance Undertakings.- 10. Definition, Tasks and Legal Nature of the Compliance Function.- 11. Integrating the Compliance Function into the Legal Department.- Part IV Disclosure: 12. Supervisory Reporting.- 13. Public Disclosure.