During World War II about 300 allied aircrafts crashed over Denmark.
A little less than 100 crewmembers survived and were rescued to safety i Sweden.
Approximately 300 crewmembers survived but were subsequently captured by the Germans and taken to a POW camp.
It is assumed that approximately 500 airmen died in the ocean around Denmark and were never found.
1160 dead allied airmen were buried in Denmark.
108 allied airmen were buried at Svino Cemetery during the war.
This little book tells the story of Svinø Memorial Grove and some of the destinies attached to this place.
Über den Autor
Mette Magnusson, Dean and Vicar.
Since 1989 vicar in the parish of Kong and Svino, in the southern part of Zealand, Denmark.
She has met many relatives to the allied airmen, buried i Svino Memorial Grove. This has given her knowledge to the many destinies, attached to Svino Memorial Grove.
Every year on the evening of May 4th Mette Magnusson conduct a memorial service in Svino Church as a part of the large liberation arrangement in order to honour the allied airmen. Many people attend, and the Danish Air force contribute with a special flyover.