Autor: Michael Chuang

作者莊枝材,當代書法家。祖籍福建泉州同安,1951年出生,台灣新竹市,1973年畢業於中國海專(台灣士林)目前僑居北加州,熱愛古今中外藝術,草書具有變化萬千的柔美線條,與多彩多姿像音樂舞蹈跳動的節奏,構成了文中有畫畫中有文的作品,可以說是古今世界級的頂尖藝術,作者為了發揚中華優美的草書文化到世界各地,因此出版了電子書(自學張旭懷素大師草書作品展) 希望能得到喜愛草書的朋友讚賞,如有不完美的地方請大家包涵,謝謝!Michael Chuang, a contemporary calligrapher. His ancestral home is Tongan, Quanzhou, and Fujian. The author was born in 1951 in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. He graduated from China Sea College (Shilin, Taiwan) in 1973. Currently living in Northern California, he loves ancient and modern Chinese and foreign art. The cursive script has ever-changing soft lines and colorful rhythms like music and dance, which constitute works of writing and painting. It can be said to be the world-class top art in ancient and modern times. To carry forward the beautiful Chinese cursive script culture to all parts of the world. Therefore, I published an e-book (Self-study Zhang Xuhuaisu Master“s Cursive Calligraphy Exhibition), hoping to be appreciated by friends who love cursive calligraphy, Please forgive me if there are any imperfections, thank you

1 Ebooks von Michael Chuang

Michael Chuang: Cursive Calligraphy Exhibition by Zhuang Zhicai – A self-study in Master Zhang Xu Huai Su
《莊枝材自學張旭懷素大師草書作品展 》裏面包括唐詩宋詞、三國時期曹植所作的《洛神賦 》、唐朝白居易所作的《長恨歌》、唐朝王勃所作的《滕王閣序》、唐朝李白所作的《將進酒》、宋朝蘇軾所作的《念奴嬌赤壁懷古》、宋朝蘇軾所作的《水調歌頭》、宋朝範仲淹所作的《嶽陽樓記》以及宋朝柳永所作的《雨霖鈴 》等。 The exhibition of Chinese cursive works includ …