This novel is a work of fiction; Names, places, Characters, and incidents either are the products of the Author’s imagination/and/or use fictional; Any resemblance to actual persons, (except where used by permission, or the Author himself) living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental;
NOTE: Although this book is fictional, some of the ideas and events are based upon the personal life of the Author. Some Cities, states, counties and places are real. This will give the reader a general idea of the time, place and era the Author is using.
Written with all ages in mind, this story focus on secrets and mysteries which are uncovered when Mike Benton arrives in Ellisville to look over his inheritance of the huge three story Benton Mansion and the Plantation left to him by his late uncle, John Benton.
NOTE: While this book is written with all age groups in mind, and while it is semi-Christian, and based upon the faith the boys and Mike have in the Lord, there are a few words and scenes which vary, but are the everyday life style of people.
This book is meant for entertainment and to help the readers, regardless of age, to know what it’s like just to be human.
Über den Autor
I was born in the small town of Blountville, Tennessee in Sullivan County, January 26. 1941. I was raised on a small hillside farm about three miles from the County Seat of Blountville.
There was myself, My mother and father, two older brothers and an older sister. We were poor folks compared to most standards, depending on what we raised from the farm to feed and support the family.
Being a Christian Family, we shared our love for each other in many ways. By the age of five, my mother had taught me how to read from the Bible.
By knowing how to read when I started school, my two favorite subjects were Reading and Math. I would read every newspaper, books and any other reading material I could get my hands on. In later years, it was my interest in reading, which inspired my desire to write.
Being the youngest, I received a lot of attention from my parents because they were up in years by the time I was born. This often caused me some friction from my brothers and sister but nothing serious.
At the age of nine I invited Jesus into my life to be my Saviour and Lord. At age ten, I announced my call to preach. I became what some folks call, A Boy Preacher.
In my late teens, I begin to stagger from the Faith I had as a young boy. However, I am happy to say my staggering didn’t last. Yet, during the time of my staggering, or out of fellowship with the Lord, I said and did things which I shouldn’t have said or done.
But even in my backsliding, I never quit praying and believing in the Lord. I knew He was there as my Personal Saviour and as my Friend.
While I can’t say I’m perfect, for I’m not, at the age of sixty eight I still hold fast to my faith, and the calling which the Lord placed upon my life.
Like everyone else in life, I have made mistakes. Some of them serious ones but through it all, I have learned to better myself from those mistakes. To look forward toward a positive life style, which I can be proud of.
It was my interest in reading along with my faith in the Lord, which inspired me to write these books that I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading.
May God bless,
THE AUTHOR – Jacob Bethany