Autor: Michael M. Hofer

Michael Hofer is a loving grandfather of 4 incredible grandsons and one beautiful grand-dog. Born and raised on a Hutterite Colony in Rosetown, SK, Canada, he composed this story in German dialect (native language of the Hutterites), to keep the boys entertained since they would beg him for a story every time they would see him. His grandsons were enthralled, as each time grandpa told the story, Gruffy and his gruff voice would come to life. Michael has two daughters, Junia and Rachel (co-author) and has been married to his beautiful wife Mary for 40+ years. A carpenter by trade, Michael spends his ‘down time’ not only creating stories but always has an interesting invention or two on the go. With the help of his daughter Rachel, he has decided to share this story that has brought hours of joy and entertainment to his grandchildren, with the rest of the children of the world. He hopes they will enjoy reading it as much as he enjoyed composing it. Rachel Hofer-Mc Lean jumped at the chance of co-creating a book with her dad. This is an extremely special experience for her, one she will cherish forever. When her dad suggested publishing the story, she was all over it and she transcribed it from German dialect to English. Rachel was born and raised on a Hutterite Colony in Rosetown, SK Canada and at the age of 18 decided she wanted to experience a different lifestyle and left the Hutterite culture to start a new life in Ontario, Canada. Currently a Holistic Wellness Expert, she deals with clients every day that feel they need to change who they are to ‘fit in’. This story teaches children and adults alike, to be whom they are. Each of us is unique and has something special to bring to this world. ‘The Bear With The Gruff Voice’ also reminds us to get to know someone before we judge them. Rachel has been married to her husband Kevin for 12+ years and has a beautiful fur baby named Phin (the grand-dog).

1 Ebooks von Michael M. Hofer

Michael M. Hofer & Rachel Hofer-McLean: The Bear with the Gruff Voice
This friendly, lovable Bear is completely misunderstood and feared because he has an extremely gruff voice. Only when he saves the day, do all the other animals realize how kind and lovable he really …