“Mc Bride writes with the perfect mixture of suspense and horror
that keeps the reader on edge.” —Examiner
In a research hangar in Virginia, a Unit 51 team studies an ancient but long-dormant virus that can transform human physiology—and turn it into
something else. . .
In the Amazon rainforest, a newly evolving life form known as Subject Z acquires the ability to think conceptually, build elaborate traps, create new carriers—
and spawn a new race . . .
In Mexico and Turkey, the men and women of Unit 51 race to uncover a global link between the mutations: a connection as ancient as the oldest tombs on earth—and as alien and unknowable as the universe itself. But time is running out. The infected are growing in number.
And the nightmare is going viral .
“This novel is for everyone who’s still a little scared of the dark . . . a very good
—The Oklahoman on Subhuman
“Thriller powerhouse Mc Bride begins his Unit 51 series . . . evoking feelings of shock and terror.”
—Publishers Weekly on Subhuman
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Über den Autor
Michael Mc Bride was born in Colorado and still resides in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. He hates the snow, but loves the Avalanche. He works with medical radiation, yet somehow managed to produce five children, none of whom, miraculously, have tails, third eyes, or other random mutations. He writes fiction that runs the gamut from thriller (Remains) to horror to science fiction (Vector Borne, Snowblind) . . . and loves every minute of it. He is a two-time winner of the Dark Fuse Readers‘ Choice Award. You can visit him at author.michaelmcbride.net.