We Never Say Goodbye
‚I never, ever imagined having even one near death experience ….let alone 5 of them.‘
One woman’s journey through the veil of heaven
Is there an afterlife? Does my loved one live on? Are my loved ones trying to communicate with me? Will my dad be at my wedding? Will grandma see me in my school play? Does my spouse know how much I miss him? Will my mother see my new baby? The answer to all these questions, in my experience, is a resounding YES!
Before I went to the Heavenly Realm, I had what I called pure faith that there was an afterlife. I have had this since I was in my teens. I knew I would see my friends and family and be together for eternities. But after actually visiting heaven, and visiting several times, and seeing my own family, I can say I now have a pure knowledge. I have tasted it, touched it, and smelled it. I have personally seen it. If you doubt, please borrow my faith until the time you receive your own knowledge. Trust me . . . we indeed live on! We never say goodbye.